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Groups such as Kebetkache 
Development and Resource Centre,West Africa Network for Peacebuilding( WANEP),Women Initiative on Climate Change(WICC), Ogoni Women Peace Forum,others have identified peace as a panacea to beneficial clean up process in Ogoni land.
The groups made the disclosure during a press briefing on Tuesday September 21,2021 in Port Harcourt,Rivers State to mark International Day of Peace with the 
Theme:Recovering Better For An Equitable And Sustainable Ogoni.

The Executive Director of Kebetkache Women Dev. and Resource Centre, Emem Okon in her speed said “We saw the need to take action today to mark the international day of peace as  written in the theme because our activity is to build peace in Ogoni”.
Emen Okon disclosed that United Nations in marking international day of  peace  promotes twenty four hours  cease fire even in war ravaged region.

She noted that peace is needed  for clean up process to be beneficial to all.
She said “we need to question ourselves if our action are beneficial to all.
Another critical thing is the role of women. If women are not part of the process, the process cannot be successful.
Women should see themselves as agents of peace. We need to identify aggrieved persons and bring them together for peace. 
Ogoni should not be discouraged, they should promote development by promoting peace “.

The Executive Director of Kebetkache further  called for implementation of social contract between the government and the people of  Ogoni in order to reduce discontentment and agitations from the people which can lead to conflict.
On her part the National Network Coordinator of WANEP Bridget Osakwe said “our job is peace and is done by Networking. WANEP works through zonal structures.
I see peace as essential for well being of individual and the society. Let us start by bringing peace to ourselves. If we cannot bring peace to ourselves we cannot bring peace to others. And it can cause crisis.
We should be able to resolve issues in our family. This  year celebration reminds us to be peaceful in all our activities.”.
Osakwe also urged the participants to  examine their mind if they are at peace with themselves and the society.
She further urged the people of Ogoni and the society at large to also think of how to contribucte to peace building in the society.

The Coordinator of Ogoni Women Peace Forum,Dr.Patience  Osaro- Ejiji in her presentation frowned at  the un-negotiated return of oil production in Ogoni land.
She said ” to recover better for equitable and sustainable ogoni,we must sincerely learn to forgive one another starting from the family, communities and society at large”. She further said  “Our children should be taught the importance of forgiveness. 
Unforgiveness create conflict and violence. Ogoni people must learn to make selfless sacrifice as most conflict is caused by greed and selfishness.
We must learn to be grateful and show appreciation to those who has been in the struggle for activities that create peace in our communities” .

Dr.Osaro-Ejiji also called for a stop in rape,killings and kidnapping in Ogoni land.
She tasked MOSOP to come together and stop the divide and rule tendency to usher in peace and meangniful development in Ogoni land.

In her contribuction, representative of Women Initiative on Climate Change(WICC), Nelly Umoren,
called for sustainable peace in Ogoni land in order to recover equitable and sustain development. Nelly Umoren encouraged Women to stand and  speak  peace while calling on  youth to stop violence.
In her closing remark Constance Meju,a Publisher and rights advocate said Ogoni must unite and have a common voice for sustainable development.
Our correspondent reports that representative of the media, Society for Women and Youth Affairs(SWAYA),Peace Partners and other Civil Society actors were all in attendance.

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