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World Institute for Peace is urging the Attorney General of the Federation in Nigeria to issue an advice/warning to all justices and judges across courts in the country. The warning is in regards to the granting of bail applications to individuals accused of serious crimes such as terrorism, murder and kidnapping.

It has come to our attention that some justices and judges have been granting bail to individuals who have been declared wanted for capital offences by the Nigeria Police Force. This practice is not only sad but also dangerous to the lives of the families of the victims and the society at large.

Granting bail to individuals accused of such heinous crimes puts the safety and security of the public at risk. These individuals pose a serious threat to society and should not be allowed to roam freely while awaiting trial. By granting bail to these suspects, justices and judges are endangering the lives of innocent citizens and undermining the justice system.

We urge the Attorney General of the Federation to take immediate action and warn all justices and judges to exercise caution when considering bail applications for individuals accused of terrorism, murder and kidnapping. These suspects should be kept in remand until after the judgment has been made to ensure the safety of the public especially the complainants.

World Institute for Peace strongly condemns the practice of granting bail to individuals accused of terrorism, murder and kidnapping. Justices and judges have a responsibility to protect the public and uphold the rule of law. We call on the Attorney General of the Federation to take swift action to address this issue and ensure that justice is served in Nigeria.

Lamina Kamiludeen Omotoyosi,
Executive Director,
World Institute for Peace (WIP)

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