Three man robbery gang this afternoon stormed inside Mile park in Mile 3, Diobu, PortHarcourt,Rivers state, Nigeria and robbed a popular trader who deals on bags of crayfish
An eyewitness Mirian Charles Peter who is also the founder of Vineyard International Ministry located at Dim street Mile 3 Diobu Port Harcourt told Revelation Agents that the robbers who were three in number approached the trader at her stand in the park which resulted to stampede as shoppers and other traders who saw the guns their possession , took to their heels
She revealed that the commotion drew the attention of some Mobile Policemen at Bishop Okoye who rushed down the scene and shot sporadically while the robbers fled.She hinted that the Policemen shot in the air instead of shooting directly at the fleeing robbers as the crowd in the market was much because of Christmas celebration tomorrow
The woman has left the market when our reporter visited the market, some traders who did not want their name in print confirmed the incident adding that this is the second robbery attack on the woman inside the mile 3 park.They told our reporter that the robbers carted away large amount of money from the woman this afternoon
Investigations by Revelation Agents showed that in recent times there is no day that passes without Bishop okoye market and its environs witnessing a robbery attack
The spokesperson of Rivers Police command Omoni Nnamdi is yet to respond to text messages sent to his mobile line by Revelation Agents on the incident