To ensure a good working synergy between the Ministries, Security Agencies and communities to achieve a community-centred approach in tackling security and build peace in the Niger Delta, Search for Common Ground Nigeria hosted an orientation meeting for the Project Steering Committee (PSC) in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State, Nigeria.
The PSC is a collaboration between the Ministry of Niger Delta and the consortium partners of the community-centred peace building approach in Niger Delta which include: Search For Common Ground (SFCG) Nigeria, Stakeholders Democratic Network (SDN), Academic Associates Peace Works (AAPW), and Partnership Initiative For Niger Delta Development (PIND).
Speaking on the purpose of the meeting Yacinthe Agbadjagan, regional head of office and head of programme for Search for Common Ground in Niger Delta stated that the idea of the PSC meeting was to present the overview and every aspect of the project to enable them advise the consortium partners properly for improvement.
“The Project Steering Committee is under the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs. We have twelve members of the Federal Government from Abuja who came to Port Harcourt to visit what we are doing in order to advise for improvement on our work”he stated.
Mr. Agbadjagan further stated that the orientation meeting was geared towards information the members of the PSC of the project implementation plans, key achievements and success stories which will bring about key recommendations from the PSC members to improve the peace building project in Niger Delta.
On her part, the head of programme development, quality and reporting at Search For Common Ground Nigeria, Mrs. Gift Omoniwa said that the expectation for the Project Steering Committee is to have an oversight body representing the government in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the project.
Mrs. Omoniwa also stated that the PSC is a pathway to carry the government along underscoring that they as Search are only contributors to the efforts of the government in peace building and security in Niger Delta.
“We are hoping that we are going to have a Steering Committee that is onboard fully, they understand their roles and responsibilities, they understand the project, they know where they come in and able to provide strategic support to the project” she said.
Chorbe Joshua, the consortium manager of Search For Common Ground reiterated that the meeting is geared towards a means by which Search through the PSC will conduct strategic level engagements that could inform policy formation, advocacy and provide pathways on how the government can also address certain needs within the communities in Niger Delta.
“We hope that the outcome form the Project Steering Committee engagement will a unique model that will help the project have a geared focus on addressing the major needs of the people in the rural areas” he added.
Mr. Paul Abia, Director Planning, Research and Statistics and Chairman of the Project Steering Committee said that the meeting inn Port Harcourt is part of the PSC quarterly meeting to look at their terms of reference, visit the field to ascertain the work level and further profer solutions on the way forward.
“It’s a project dear to the heart of the honourable Minister, Ministry of Niger Delta Development and he has mandated I come down with all the directors to ensure that the project comes to fruition” Mr. Abia stated.
Key points from the Project Steering Committee Orientation meeting include:
1. To strengthen the project in conducting high level advocacy with regional stakeholders, and influence policy and work around it for improvement
2. Strengthen a good working network and synergy between the Ministry, Consortium partners and the community
3. Create a robust framework on how the ministry and it’s departments will support the different components of the project
4. To change the narrative in the Niger Delta from a conflict angle to a dissatisfied people determined to find a solution to their problems. To understand the real issues in the Niger Delta, so that we do not continue to mob the floor while twe should be fixing the leaking roof.
5. The ministry of Niger Delta to identify gaps and make recommendations where necessary
6. A WhatsApp platform should be created for further PSC engagements.
The project titled Community-Center Approach in Peace Building and Security in Niger Delta is supported European Union and implemented by a consortium of Search For Common Ground (SFCG) Nigeria, Stakeholders Democratic Network (SDN), Academic Associates Peace Works (AAPW), and Partnership Initiative For Niger Delta Development (PIND).