…Seeks N1.5m For Medical Bill
…Scholarship For 5 Kids, Etc
After seven years of persistent night vigils, prayers, fasting and
patronizing the services of all manner of ‘men and women of God’, in
futile search for the fruit of the womb, Mr. and Mrs. Bright Akhimien
finally had their prayers answered, with not just a baby or two, but a
quintuplet – five babies at a go!
As the miracle birth of the quintuplets went viral on the social
media, this medium was able to procure the contact number of the
father of the babies, Mr. Bright Akhimien and put a call through to
hear his story.
A police officer serving in Port Harcourt, Mr. Akhimien said the
babies arrived after seven years of marriage to his lovely wife, Mrs.
Joyce Akhimien.
“These lovely gifts from God, four boys and a girl, arrived on
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at the Bridge Stone Hospital, Rukpokwu.
Mother and babies are in excellent condition. It can only be God that
has made this possible!”, Akhimien said, sounding excited.
He said he owed immense gratitude to the Almighty God; to the District
Overseer and members of Four Square Gospel Church, Rukpokwu; and Dr.
Eze of Bridge Stone Hospital, Rukpokwu.
“Dr. Eze was the one God used to do some surgeries after which he
followed us up medically and that was how my wife was able to conceive
and was delivered of the quintuplets.
“I advise those with this challenge to also seek medical help with
prayers and trust in God. Medical science has drastically improved in
Nigeria that you can even get most of the things you can’t get abroad.
Some problems, from what we found out, are very little things that can
only be discovered when proper examinations are carried out. Not all
problems are witches and wizards”, he advised.
Akhimien disclosed that the babies are currently placed on incubator
having been delivered in 33 weeks rather than the natural 36 weeks’
But the policeman, whose palpitating heart beat could be heard from
the other end of the line, could not mince words as he passionately
appealed for assistance from the government, public spirited
individuals and corporate organizations.
“The medical bill is N1.5million Naira because of maintenance in the
incubator. Frankly, I do not have the money. I don’t also have the
resources to take care of them – their feeding, clothing, education
etc. May God touch someone to help us”, he prayed.
The police officer revealed that his phone number has become a hot
line as calls pour in every minute, especially from people seeking for
the fruit of the womb.
“One particular woman called me to say she has been married for nine
years without conception. I told her not to worry but to believe in
God, because no matter what, God will give it to her at His own time.
The same I say to millions of others who find themselves in that
situation. Just be patient and put your trust in God, He will grant
your request in His time”, he said.
One final request from Mr. Akhimien was for volunteers who would offer
scholarship to the children. His words: “I want help in the area of
the education of the children. A scholarship would guarantee their
education in the future. My job as policeman is not predictable.
Today, I am in Port Harcourt and tomorrow, I may be in Warri, Owerri
or Enugu and there is no coverage for their future education”.

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